“As Southern Baptists, we believe we can accomplish more together than we can separately for the Lord. Even before there was a Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), associations were the cornerstone of cooperation among Baptist churches in America.”


Office Manager

Jemar is a true servant leader who is passionate about missions, both locally and internationally, connecting with our partner churches and ministries, and helping the CBA office run smooth as butter! Jemar earned her MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas, and serves Prestonwood Baptist in Plano as a member on mission. If you are ever in need of connecting with Dr. Henslee, or any other assistance from CBA––do not hesitate to reach out for help.

Joe Patton

Interim Executive Director

Bro. Joe comes to us after retiring as the Shepherding Pastor of Parkway Hills Baptist in Plano. He previously pastored Waddill Street Baptist in McKinney and was the Associate Pastor of Cottonwood Creek Baptist in Allen. Patton has a BA from Criswell, MA from Southwestern Seminary, and a wealth of experience and wisdom in Christian ministry. Joe is our current Interim AMS after previously serving as Associate AMS.

Ryan Ross

Church Planting Catalyst

Ryan is the pastor of City Church in Melissa, Texas, after serving on staff at Cottonwood Creek in Allen. A Marine with years of experience in the corporate world, Ross recently graduated with his MDIV from Midwestern, and previously graduated from Liberty with a BS. Ryan is passionate about planting churches and works to network with, encourage, and invest in church planters and prospective planters.

Dave Lee

Missional Ministries

As you know, Collin County is growing rapidly and is quite diverse. Dave is the pastor of Icon Church, a multi-gen, multi-ethnic church plant in Plano and will work to network with, encourage, and equip in the area of multi-ethnic and missional ministries. CBA is made up of diverse contexts and churches from rural, suburban, and urban areas, as well as small, medium, and large sizes.

Cameron Crow

Next-Gen Ministries

Cameron is the student pastor of First Baptist Church Farmersville and serves the Collin Baptist Association for all things next-gen. He is currently leading our effort to put on a retreat/revival for students at Lake Lavon Camp and is a consistent encourager of those who serve the next generation, whether they be paid or unpaid, rural or urban center, mega church or normative size––he is here to help all.

Lindsey Boyd

Ministry Wives Mentor

STAY TUNED! We realize our Association is only as strong as the pastors and churches that make it up. Accordingly, we know it is important to invest in and support the wives of pastors and church leaders. This person will do just that by encouraging and networking with the spouses of the pastors and ministers that comprise the CBA.

CBA Operating Board

Moderator: Ben Phillips, FBC Murphy, Murphy
Vice Moderator: Charles Wattley, St. Mark Missionary BC, McKinney
Treasurer: Wes Brown, Cowboy Church of Collin County, Princeton
Nancy Gilmer, FBC Farmersville, Farmersville
Kelly Carr, New Hope Community, McKinney
Brian Everett, Allen Heights Baptist, Allen
Kavin Brown, Bethlehem Christian Church, McKinney
Jared Maier, Rhea’s Mill Baptist, McKinney