Be A Barnabas

By Dr. Matt Henslee

In Acts 11, Christianity continues to grow, the gospel makes its way to Jews and Greeks alike, and Barnabas heads to Antioch. But that begs the question, who is this Barnabas?

We’re first introduced to Barnabas in Acts 4 as the so-called “son of encouragement” who sold some land and gave the proceeds to the apostles…and he just keeps showing up.

In Acts 9, the Jews are ready to kill Saul, but he is able to escape and make his way to Jerusalem and runs into the disciples who are quite naturally afraid of him. Barnabas, however, steps in to tell them about Saul’s conversion and the rest is history. 

Barnabas shows up again at the end of chapter 11, at the beginning of chapter 12, and is instrumental in the discipling of John Mark in chapter 15. Time and time again, Barnabas is there, at just the right time and in just the right way––a true son of encouragement.

Take just five seconds online and you’ll notice we are not lacking sons of discouragement. Guys who use their keyboards and platforms to tear down and rip apart––they’re a dime a dozen. What we need today are more sons or daughters of encouragement, guys or gals like Barnabas.

One of the best examples of Barnabas’s encouragement is in Acts 11:23-24. Culturally, no one would’ve thought twice if Barnabas––a Jew, a Levite––saw a bunch of Greeks getting saved and went home disgusted, but that’s not what happened. Barnabas saw God at work, rejoiced, and encouraged & helped it continue.

We need more of that today, not less. It costs you nothing to be kind, it only takes a few seconds to encourage someone––and we need it. Many pastors are weary as the pandemic drags on, and most of us are beyond tired at the mudslinging that comes far too easy for some.

Do you rejoice in the successes and blessings of others, even among those you do not like? Few circumstances give us a better opportunity to exhibit God's grace than rejoicing over someone else’s wins.

We have more than enough discouragement going around, before the sun goes down today, look for someone you can encourage, and, well, encourage them.


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We Need Guys Like Hur