We Need Guys Like Hur

By Dr. Matt Henslee

The story of Aaron and Hur lifting Moses’s arms in Exodus 17:8-16 has been on my heart for a long time. I love how simple it is––Joshua fighting, Moses praying, and Aaron and Hur helping––but I also love how none of those four men are the true hero of the story, God is.

Still, I think there is much we can learn from Joshua’s faithfulness to fight, Moses’s faithfulness to pray, and Aaron and Hur’s faithfulness to help. Joshua couldn’t fight without Moses praying; Moses couldn’t pray without Aaron and Hur helping.

You see, there are times you’ll need to be down on the battlefield and stay there; there are times you’ll need to be in your prayer closet and stay there––we need to be ready for both, but we must always look for those we can help, people we can lift up, people we can encourage.

The pandemic drags on, politics keep rearing its ugly head, and while every pastor I know realizes ministry is awesome––they also know it is hard, and there is no shortage of mudslingers. Maybe, just maybe, we could use some arm-lifters––some guys like Hur. 

Hur wasn’t mentioned before, and he’s barely a footnote after, but the battle wouldn’t have been won without this instrumental, involved, invisible helper. The simple help of Hur doesn’t sound like much, but had it not been for Hur, Moses wouldn’t have had the strength to do his job, and Joshua would never have been able to lead Israel to victory in the battle.

Hur couldn’t do everything, but he did something…and that’s important to note. No task in God’s service is unimportant. Or, to put it another way, every task in God’s service is critically important. I think 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 speaks well to this, my friend––we are all in this together.

  • We must fight––together

  • We must pray––faithfully

  • We must help––selflessly

We can’t fight without prayer, and we can’t pray without the fight, but we all need to remember we’re in this together with Christ, after the lost. I encourage you to think of some people in your circle of influence who could use some help. Commit today being a guy like Hur and lifting them up when they’re wearing down. 



Be A Barnabas


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